The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, 1956

Watch any one of the movies provided and focus on business including various characters and their *
strategies, were their styles beneficial or detrimental, did their strategies change over the course of the
movie, did they express different traits depending on the environment or with different characters. Submit a
5-7 page paper summarizing the primary theme and several key concepts from our discussions and text
which are highlighted in the film

Watch the film and important scenes multiple times, diagnose the situations, list various problems and
variables, discuss ethical issues, look for opportunities to apply concepts analytical tools, support opinions
with well-reasoned arguments and numerical evidence from the film, include charts/graphs, have several
recommendations regarding the situation/dilemma, establish an action plan based on your

| encourage you to select a fiim that you have not already seen.

The Godfather, 1972

The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, 1956

Office Space 1999

Glengarry Glen Ross 1992

Citizen Kane 1941

Tucker: A man and his dream 1988

Below are important files you must review and incorporate for this assignment, The 10 Commandments of
Case Analysis and grading rubric for SLO1. In addition, refer to all analysis sections in the text for
additional content.

Analyzing Strategic Management Cases.pptxPreview the document

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