The Metamorphosis present a criticism of society

Task: Write an argumentative essay that responds to the following questions:
How does Gregor’s transformation throughout The Metamorphosis present a criticism of society? Explain and support your answer.

  1. Introduce the primary text and your topic, and then present a thesis that answers the above question.
  2. Develop and support your thesis with evidence and analysis. Your primary evidence will come from The Metamorphosis. Provide further support with secondary evidence from at least two outside sources found through your own research.
  3. Present a counterargument and respond to it with a refutation.
  4. Include a Works Cited page at the end of your essay listing all the referenced sources, as well as in-text citations for each piece of evidence. (The Works Cited page does NOT count as part of the required page count).
    • 5 double-spaced pages.
    • Thesis that responds to the prompt with a specific and clear argument.
    • Support for all claims, including a minimum of two outside credible sources from your own research.
    • Counterargument and refutation.
    • Revised and polished work free of errors.
    • MLA format and documentation, including in-text citations and works cited page.

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