The model of communication as information transfer.


Choose one of the following topics and elaborate on it using 200 words

1) Discuss the model of communication as information transfer. Provide a brief definition, underlying assumptions, potential problems, and criticisms.

2) Why is leadership an essential arena for the transactional-process model?

3) Explain the concept of strategic ambiguity. Give an example from an organizational setting in which this strategy could be beneficial and a case in which it might be problematic.

4) Explain the dichotomy of balancing creativity and constraint in organizations.

5) What is meant by the term situated individual? Why is this concept important to our understanding of organizational communication? What role can the situated individual play in constructing organizational reality?

6) Define what dialogue is, and outline the four levels of increasing collaboration associated with this concept. Explain the advantages or disadvantages of each level when considering organizations as dialogues.

7) Explain the difference between mindless and mindful forms of dialogue. Offer some examples of each type.

8) What makes “dialogue as real meeting” so challenging to achieve? What practical limitations keep us from developing authentic relationships and dialogues with others?

9) What does it mean to work with integrity and speak ethically as we engage in organizational communication practices?



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