The narratives of Saul, David, and Solomon

1 Kings 1 – 11.

  1. How does the text of Deuteronomy 17:14-20 relate to the narratives of Saul, David, and in particular, Solomon? Do you think that the author of I Kings has Deuteronomy 17 in mind as he writes the “Solomonic Narrative” of 1 Kings 1 – 11?
  2. Does the author of 1 Kings depict Solomon in a positive or negative manner? Is there any indication in the narratives prior to chapters ten and eleven that Solomon is already going astray (even in spite of his wisdom)?
    How is it that Solomon, endowed with the gift of wisdom, could go astray as he does?
    The essay must be at least 1000 words, and follow Turabian format. At least three academic sources (beyond
    course textbooks) must be cited. Preferred source material includes academic commentaries, journal articles,
    and academic monographs. Avoid popular level sources, including non-peer reviewed websites and blogs

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