Critical analysis of a journalistic article: Value = 10%
You are to select a journalistic article from one of the sources listed at the end of this document on one of the western, monotheistic religions covered this semester (Judaism, Christianity, or Islam). By journalistic, I mean an article from a newspaper or magazine and not a peer-reviewed journal article. The article may be subtle and only imply religious content, or it may be obvious. Critically discuss the article in relation to the themes covered thus far in the course lectures and assigned readings. It will be your job to write a 1-2 page (300-600 word) critique from a “Religious Studies” perspective. Use 12-point font, double space, and use one-inch margins on all four sides of the page.
1) What religion is the focus of the article? Are any of the other religions studied this term also mentioned?
2) What is the main point being made in the article?
3) Is the author an insider or an outsider? Does she/he mention this?
4) How is the religion treated by the author? Is she/he simply providing an overview of beliefs, rituals, etc. or is the focus on a specific topic or issue?
5) Was the article informative? Did you agree with what the author wrote? Why or why not?
Write your response in essay format with proper paragraphs. Do not number your paragraphs or repeat the questions above in your essay.