The Normal Distribution And The Central Limit Theorem 2/2
Paper details
The normal distribution is the most important distribution, as it can be used to describe many phenomena in the
world around us. Yet, the normal distribution is often misused or misunderstood. Introduction to Statistics by
Barbara Illowsky & Susan Dean puts it this way: “[The normal distribution] is widely used and even more widely
Reflect on your prior knowledge of the normal distribution, and reflect on how that understanding has changed,
if at all, since studying the normal distribution in more detail.
The normal distribution is seen in some way in almost every field of study. Describe some specific ways that
the normal distribution is used in an area of interest to you (business, economics, healthcare, education, etc).
This will likely require some outside research on your part. Make sure to cite any sources referenced for this
Based on the area of interest chosen by a peer (business, economics, healthcare, education, etc), reflect on
some ways that the normal distribution may be misused in some way within that area of interest. Again, this will
likely require some outside research on your part. Make sure to cite any sources referenced for your

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