The notion of sentimental meaning is a central theme in the works of Frege

The notion of sentential meaning is a central theme in the works of Frege. Russell, and Wittgenstein that we have studied in this course. According to propositionalias like Frege and Russell. the meaning of a com-plete. well-formed, declarative sentence is a proposition. the grasp of which constitutes one’s understanding of the sentence. The Wittgenstein of the Tracratus rejects the idea that propositions (in the sense of Frege and Russell) are required in order to explain phenomena of meaning. communication, and truth and falsity. Instead. for Wittgenstein. to know the meaning of a sentence is to know the conditions under which that sentence is true or false. and does not require that one stand in any special cognitive relation to an abstract proposition of the son believed in by the propositionalist. Write a short paper in which you critically assess some aspect of the theory of meaning advanced by either Frege. Russell. or Wittgenstein. Your paper (a) should clearly explain the central components of the view you are assessing, (b) should raise a challenge or objection to that theory. and (c) should indicate what you take to be a plausible response to that objection on behalf its proponents. Your paper should be between

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