‘The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas’ by Ursula K. Le Guin

  1. In the short story ‘The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas’ by Ursula K. Le Guin we learn about a utopian city called Omelas with a dark secret. What is this dark secret? Do you think the citizens of the city are acting immorally? Explain why/why not. Your essay should discuss how you think Utilitarians and Kantians would approach this issue, and which approach you find preferable. (If you think neither approach is the right one, explain why.) 2. Compare and contrast Taylor and Wolf’s views on living a meaningful life. Whose view do you find more compelling? Why? If you find neither view compelling — that is, if you think both views are wrong — explain why. – In responding to this prompt, dig deep: what do you think a meaningful life consists in? What makes your life meaningful? 3. In Jiro Dreams of Sushi we meet a sushi master name Jiro Ono. Did Jiro live a meaningful life? What about the fish mongers? What about Jiro’s sons? In answering these questions, make use of the views of Taylor and Wolf. You do not have to agree with either author, but you should at least explain how Taylor and Wolf would approach the question. – In responding to this prompt don’t lose track of the question: Did Jiro, the fish mongers, or Jiro’s sons live a meaningful life? Try to sort out what you think. 4. In the episode of Black Mirror called San Junipero we meet a woman named Yorkie who decides to become immortal in San Junipero. Can Yorkie live a meaningful (eternal) existence in San Junipero? Course authors that might be of use in answering this question include Taylor, Wolf, Nozick, Kagan. and Nagel. (You do not have to refer to all of these authors, just those that you find helpful in developing your points.) Feel free to borrow from the analysis I make in my lecture video on San Junipero. (Feel free, also, to analyze it differently if you disagree with my approach.) – In responding to this prompt don’t lose track of the question: Can Yorkie live a meaningful life? I want to know what you think. Would you choose to “cross over’ to San Junipero?

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