The Piper Alpha incident.

Outline the events and conditions that lead to the disaster and multiple deaths that occurred.
(10 Marks)
question 5: Describe the mechanism of the burning of a candle. Explain how laminar and turbulent flames are formed. (10 Marks)
Question 6: Explain the Upper and Lower Flammability Limits. Explain stoichiometric chemical reactions. (10 Marks)
Question 7: Define fuel load and mass burning rate. Explain the heat of combustion, heat release rate, and combustion efficiency.
(10 Marks)
Question 8: a) Consider an enclosure fire. Find the conductive heat flow rate through a brick wall 0.25 m wide (I), 3.5 m high and 4 m long when the temperature in the room is 700°K (T2) and the ambient temperature on the other side is 310°K go. Find the value of k from the table. 1% and 50% increase in temperature rise through a concrete wall 0.2 m wide (x). Find the values of a from the table. b) Find the thermal penetration time for a
(5 Marks)

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