The Porter 5 Forces of your chosen fast-food restaurant




Watch the above youtube video URLs.


To successfully complete this assignment you need to create a 6-7 PowerPoint slide presentation, covering the following:

1) Introductory slide providing the complete visual and chart of the Porter 5 Forces of your chosen fast-food restaurant

2) 1 Slide per each of the 5 forces, providing at minimum 4-5 factors of each of the different forces. As an example, there would be one slide on the Power of Buyers, and within that 1 slide, 4-5 bullet point factors with added commentary, justification for each factor.

3) Each slide on each Force, should also be labeled as either High, Medium, or Low force.

4) A final slide should be given on what the competitive edge and advantage currently is compared to the competition for your fast-food brand.





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