The Prokaryotic Cell Lab

In the study of microbiology, knowledge of the prokaryotic cell is vital to understanding deeper topics such as antibiotic resistance and infectious disease. In this Assignment, you will create a tour of the prokaryotic cell. Assume you would be presenting to an audience of your peers in a general microbiology class.

PowerPoint Presentation with narration: Create a professional PowerPoint presentation with narration to provide a visual and audio tour of the prokaryotic cell. The purpose of your presentation is to provide an overview of the prokaryotic cell and describe the components of the cell. In addition to your title and references slides, include all five of the following prompts:

Define and describe a prokaryotic cell and an introduction to your presentation. (1 slide with narration)
Outline and discuss the following prokaryotic cellular parts. Include the location and role in the prokaryotic cell. (4 – 6 slides with narration)
cell wall
plasma membrane
flagella, fimbriae, and pili
DNA and plasmids
Describe prokaryotic endospores including their formation, and provide one example of a genus of bacteria that can form endospores. Why are they considered a human health concern? (1–2 slides with narration)
Define and discuss the Gram stain, and indicate the primary differences between Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. (1–2 slides with narration)
Conclusion slide that effectively wraps up your presentation. (1 slide with narration)
To create an effective and professional presentation, you are required to:

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