Explain the rationale behind Galton’s ideas regarding heredity. From current understandings of hereditary traits, genetics and human behavior explain the major issues regarding Galton’s work.
Why did the ideas of Darwin and others like him have a prominent influence on psychology at the time? Explain the strengths and weaknesses of evolution and natural selection with regard to social theory and psychology.
What were the differences and similarities between Wundt and Titchener’s structuralism and Act psychology? Explain why the psychology of Wundt, and especially Titchener, did not last.
Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.
Structuralism was the first major school of psychology and sought to break down mental processes into basic parts.
Wilhelm Wundt:
First Psychology lab in Germany
Defined psychology (human mind and consciousness)
Objective Introspection techniques
Edward Titchener:
Brought Wundt’s ideas to America