The Red Flags Rule, a law enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)


The Red Flags Rule, a law enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), requires certain businesses and organizations — including many doctors’ offices, hospitals, and other healthcare providers, to develop a written program to spot the warning signs, or “red flags” of identity theft; a legal and ethical violation.

Utilize online resources and the Purdue Global Library to research the Red Flags Rule
Create an Identity Theft Prevention Program for a healthcare setting of your choice, based on the requirements of the Red Flags Rule. Be sure to include the following key components in your prevention program:
Procedures put in place to detect red flags in your day-to-day operations
Descriptions of how you plan to prevent and mitigate identity theft
Procedures for how you will respond when you spot the red flags of identity theft, provide examples
Descriptions of the training you will provide to the staff


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