The relationship of marketing and HR






Review the following article about the relationship of marketing and HR:

Kuumar, A. (Sept. 2020). Why HR and Marketing should work together.

An integrated approach to managing an organization requires various departments to work together. For example, the marketing and human resource management fields are closer than previously recognized. Marketing and HR specialists are wise to work together to build an employer brand to recruit, hire, and retain desired employees.

An HR brand is much more than a good company logo or posters on office walls. The effectiveness of an enterprise brand in general and as a thriving organization depends on managers, marketers, and other key employees. They need to work together to create a strong employee environment based on knowledge, technology, and experience.

Discuss three ways HR in your organization or an organization you are familiar with has successfully utilized collaboration with marketing to impress the employer’s brand into the minds of its current and potential employees.
Are there other approaches utilized that have not been successful? Please discuss.
What would you like to see done differently or in addition to what has already been done to improve the bonding of marketing and HR concepts for employer success?



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