The Rhetorical Situation


1) How would you define “purpose”? Why is it an important element of the rhetorical situation?2) Why is it important to consider your audience whenever you are writing?3) Give two examples of different genres of movies. How does the change in genre affect the audience’s expectation of a film?4) Read the following paragraph and then answer the question after it:Some of the critics of promoting dodgeball says the game promotes teamwork and sportsmanship, just like any other sport does. And dodgeball is a learning game, it builds hand/eye coordination and teaches teamwork and sportsmanship, as most games do. So these people are saying getting hit in the face by a ball at high-speed promotes sportsmanship? I can see why dodgeball does promote bullying. The people doing the bullying will go after the people being bullied first. And you know they would love to hit the bullied people hard. Some people say the people being bullied needs to defend themselves and toughen up. If that worked I would not have been bullied all the way through high school! – What is this author’s stance on dodgeball? How do you know?5) Take a close look at the advertisement below and then answer the question after it: (in attachments)- What medium is this text, and what design choices (color, font, images, anything visual) were made? Why?


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