The right verb form





1. The right verb form is: I look forward … you again next year. ]

– to saw

– seeing

– to see

– see

– to seeing

2.The Reported Question.

– Bill said that he had a new job

– Steve said that he was living in London

– The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days

– Jenny wanted to know if Joe had sold his car

– I told Jim not to shout

3. The sentence formulated correctly is . . . ]

– Most parents want their children to get a university education

– Most parents want that their children will get a university education

– Most parents want that their children get a university education

– Most parents want their children get a university education

– Most parents want their children getting a university education

4. Driving is pleasant.

– Object

– Attribute

– Predicate

– Subject

– Adverbial modifier

5. Find the sentences where the function of adjectives is a nominal predicate ]

– The name of the book is not stated

– The box is large

– John is the owner of the restaurant

– My friend’s house is in Almaty

– Alihan has got two weeks holiday

6. Future form of the modal verb “can”: ]

– should

– would

– will be able to

– could

– was able to

7.The right variant with the sequence of tenses ]

– We told we are doing our task

– He said that he had lost his keys

– I asked be careful because of thin ice

– I wished her have a nice day

– I learned she has told him the truth

8. If it rains, the grass gets wet

– zero conditional

– third conditional

– second conditional

– mixed conditional

– first conditional

9. A suitable form of the verb. I heard her . . . the door and go out. ]

– opens

– having open

– opened

– to open

– open

10. If you get promoted, your salary . . .

– go down

– goes in

– goes up

– goes down

– go up

11. We … … … the hotel if we hadn’t seen the signpost. ]

– would find

– have found

– found

– had found

– would have found

12. After the law having been passed, it is clear what to expect ]

– Infinitive Indefinite Passive

– Gerund Perfect Active

– Gerund Indefinite Active

– Gerund Indefinite Passive

– Gerund Perfect Passive

13. Choose an unreal conditional sentence: ]

– If you have done that again, I’ll punish you.

– If you did that again, I’ll punish you.

– lf I were an astronaut, I’d travel all the planets.

– If I am an astronaut, I’d travel all the planets.

– If I was an astronaut, I’d travel all the planets.

14. Find an adverb of time: ]

– suddenly

– a bit

– abroad

– for a long time

– badly

15. Complete the proverb “Many men . . . .” ]

– many saying

– many minds

– many opinion

– many thoughts

– many view

16. Past Simple Passive form of the verb “understand”: ]

– to be understanding

– was understood

– to understand

– to have been understand

– had been understood

17. Cardinal number: 762

– Seven hundred and sixty two

– Seven hundred sixty second

– Seven hundredth sixty two

– Seven hundred sixty two

– Seven hundreds sixty two

18. Change Active into Passive

“You can buy this book in any shop” ]

– This book can bought in any bookshop

– This book bought in any bookshop

– This book can be bought in bookshop

– This book can be bought in any bookshop

– This book can be buy in any bookshop

19.Mixed conditional I’d be a happy man if I . . . Marion when we were young. ]

– had married

– would married

– had marry

– had been married

– have married

20. Choose a real conditional sentence: ]

– lf I were an astronaut, I’d traveled all the planets.

– If I am an astronaut, I’d travel all the planets.

– If I was an astronaut, I’d travel all the planets.

– If you did that again, I’ll punish you.

– If you do that again, I’ll punish you.

21. The 4th type of stressed syllable

– Cake, umbrella, pot

– Cure, wire, tire

– Care, more, curb

– Girl, black, nine

– Frog, bird, door

22. … only one lady and five gentlemen in the restaurant. ]

– There is

– There has

– There were

– There are

– There have been

23. Find the unreal conditional sentence ]

– If I had enough money, I’ll travel all over the world

– If I had enough money, I’d travel all over the world

– I’ll be glad if my friend comes

– I’ll travel all over the world If I had enough money

– If I find time, I’ll try to help you

24. There was a . . . . . . . . . . rug on the floor. ]

– soft, woolen, wonderful

– woolen, soft, wonderful

– soft, wonderful, woolen

– wonderful, soft, woolen

– wonderful woolen soft

25. The correct word: It took us quite a long time to get here. It was . . . . . journey.

– three hours

– a three-hours

– a three-hour

– third hour

– three hour

26. The telegram was received yesterday. ]

– Past Perfect Passive

– Past Simple Passive

– Past Perfect

– Past Continuous Passive

– Past Simple Active

27. Correct sentence with uncountable noun. ]

– I bought 5 furnitures

– I bought some furnitures

– I bought her furnitures

– I sold several furnitures

– I bought some furniture

28. Appropriate answer: It is 12:40

– It is twenty to one

– It is twelve to one

– It is twelfth to one

– It is fourty past one

– It is twenty past one

29. I was feeling pretty bad . . .

– myself

– himself

– me

– herself

– itself

30.Triftong is . . . .

– Day, bye, boy

– Lake, time, tour

– Dear, scare, poor

– Fire, hour, Royal

– Heat, hare, fire

31. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. We . . . to solve a problem since June. ]

– don’t try

– have been trying

– will try

– try

– are trying

32.Complex subject . . . . ]

– He is known to being a good teacher

– He is known be a good teacher

– Philips were known to be a young man without money.

– Philip was known be a young man without money.

– He is known to be a good teacher

33.The sentence with Gerund ]

– He stopped to read newspapers

– He stopped to have read newspaper

– He stopped reading newspapers

– He sat reading a newspaper

– He is reading a newspaper

34.The sentence in the Past Simple Passive

– Financial documents were signing by the director and accountant

– Financial documents signed by the direc

– Financial documents had been signed by the director and accountant

– Financial documents are signed by the director and accountant

– Financial documents were signed by the director and accountant

35. 610

– six tenths

– six by ten

– six tenth

– six under ten

– sixth tenths

– ten sixths

36.The sentence in direct speech. Jane left the party suddenly. She said she had to go.

– Jane says, “I will have to go”

– Jane says “I have to go”

– Jane said, “I have to go”

– Jane said “I had to go”

– Jane said, “I am having to go”

37.Choose the correct option of collective nouns. ]

– a pack of ducks

– a fleet of books

– a herd of dogs

– a pack of wolves

– a board of flowers

38.Сompound noun ]

– blackberries

– blackboard

– handmade

– good-looking

– wallpaper

39.Compound nouns:

– hotel – keeper

– second – rate

– well – known

– old – fashioned

– yellow – striped

40.Uncountable nouns

– 2 oranges, coffee, tea,

– luggages, furniture, information

– sugar, salt, rice

– rice, bread, apple

– advice, fruit, potato

41. Irregular verb:

– record

– post

– mishear

– reward

– struggle

42. Regular adjectives:

– thin, small, tall

– far, much, busy

– many, expensive, thick

– interesting, clean, wonderful

– little, more important, better

43. The correct variant of the fraction “2/3”.

– two third

– two thirds

– second third

– two point three

– twos third

44. Report the request “Can you dig my garden, please, Kanat” ]

– His mother asked them to dig her garden

– His mother asked him to dig her garden

– His mother asked she to dig her garden

– His mother asked his to dig her garden

– His mother asked her to dig her garden

45. Fractional Numerals are: ]

– Richard the Third

– Elizabeth the Second

– one point two

– fifteenth

– six over thirteen

46. 25.01.2020

– The twenty fiveth of January, twenty twenty

– The twenty-five of January, twenty twenty

– The twentieth and five of January, twenty twenty

– The twenty five January, two thousand and twenty

– The twenty fifth of January, twenty twenty

47. Find the passive form of the verb:

– was estimating

– have been estimating

– will estimate

– had estimated

– was estimated

48.The correct sentence with Complex Object ]

– She is coming to expected any time

– I know him to be a good mannered boy

– She is expected to coming any-time

– Mary was sure she will come too

– He had been reading the book since Monday

49. Define the function of infinitive in the following sentence: I was the first to come.

– object

– adverbial modifier

– subject

– predicate

– attribute

50. Replace the Direct Speech into Reported Speech:

“Where did you find the book?” Ben asked.

– Ben asked where I had found the book

– Ben asked me where I found the book

– Ben asked where had I found the book

– Ben asked where you had found the book

– Ben asked where was I found the book

– Ben asked me where did I find the book

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