The role of a marketing communications


play the role of a marketing communications consultant required to produce an outline integrated
marketing communications plan on behalf of a client. As a starting point, you will be provided with a
client briefing document (Netflix) in week 5. Workshop sessions from week 5 onwards are largely
dedicated to working on your assignment with your peers and with tutor support.
Your recommendations should be for advertising and marketing communications alone. Your report will
include the following sections:
• Brand analysis (10%) – approx 350 words
• Market analysis (10%) – approx 350 words
• Digital Visual Board (5%) – approx 100 words
• Objectives (10%) – approx 350 words
• Target audience selection and persona (10%) – approx 350 words
• Creative proposals (15%) – approx 500 words
• Media proposals (15%) – approx 500 words
• Evaluation proposals (15%) – approx 500 words
The final 10% of the marks will be allocated to the presentation quality of your written report (report format,
written English, referencing, relevant use of tables, diagrams and appendices).
Please refer to the faculty postgraduate grade descriptors/criteria on Blackboard for what constitutes a
pass, merit and distinction.
Report Tips
• A professionally produced report is expected i.e. headings, sub-headings, numbering system, page
numbers, reference/sources, tables/diagrams, appendices etc.
• Make use of spelling and grammar checking software
• Identify linkages between sections where appropriate.
• Ensure that all facts/data are fully sourced. You should use the Harvard referencing method (see
Faculty Harvard referencing guide on Blackboard).
• Justify your decisions/recommendations.
Report Content – Guidance
Justifications should be given for all decisions and proposals and these should relate back to the client
brief and your analysis of the secondary data (see resources in assignment folder on Blackboard). The
outline plan should be fully integrated and demonstrate ‘joined up thinking’. The plan should include details
as indicated below:
Sources/Citations: You are expected to make use of the brand and market industry resources in each
section. See Blackboard Assessment Resource Folder for links to resources.
You will have to investigate the nature of the situation before communications proposals can be made.
The primary aim of your analysis should be to gain insight i.e. gain a deeper understanding of the
situation/relevant issues. This is equivalent to playing the role of Account Planner and is an important
part of the total marketing communications process. The main purpose and use of this analysis, in practice,
would be to gain strategic insight in order to brief the rest of the agency team, and in particular, the
creatives and media planners.
Your analysis needs to highlight the key issues that are specific to the communications task set. In
particular, this section should focus on all major and relevant brand and market data (see resources in
assignment folder on Blackboard). You should highlight any implications that are pertinent to the IMC
Plan. You are expected to make full use of available secondary sources and on-line databases/websites.
You are required to conduct your own further analysis based on SECONDARY DATA ONLY. Clear
identification of sources of reference is an essential part of your analysis.
1.1 Brand analysis (10%) – approx 350 words
Issues to consider/include in this section are;
• Brand background/overview – brief summary
• Product/service offering – features & benefits (rational and emotional)
• Advertising (past/recent campaigns – UK & overseas) – creative/messages, media used
1.2 Market analysis (10%) – approx 350 words
Issues to consider/include in this section are;
• Consumer attitudes and behaviour – towards the brand/category
• Competition – product/service offering and advertising campaigns

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