The role of nutrients in the body

Part A

  1. Describe the role of this nutrient in the body (10 marks).
    This section will be written as an informative piece of scientific writing in essay format. It must be accurate, clear, logical and referenced with both in-text referencing and bibliography/reference lis. The information provided should cover the following topics:
    i) Chemical structure(s) of the nutrient
    ii) Digestion and metabolism of the nutrient
    iii) Role of the nutrient in the body
    iv) Suggested dietary intake targets for the nutrient
    v) Food sources that provide the nutrient
  2. Nutritional literacy (10 marks).
    The following are two websites that discuss fat.
    i) DAA Article; Fat: to cut or not to cut? That is the question
    ii) Mercola Article; Cholesterol does not cause heart disease

Analyse both internet sites using the tools the “10 Red Flags of Junk Science”, the “Website Fitness Check-up” and “Evaluating Nutrition Experts” (see appendix 1 of this document). When you have completed your analysis decide if these sites are good sources of nutritional information or if they are bad sources of nutritional information. Please explain why the article is either good or bad, i.e. explain your decisions.
(10 marks in total, 5 marks per website)

Part B
24-hour Record Assessment (5 marks)
Analyse the 24-hour food record below against the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating recommended serves for adults using the table provided in Appendix 2. Include the table as an appendix at the end of the assignment but discuss the findings in the body of the assignment.

Comment on the intake of Fats from the foods eaten. For example are they good sources of fat, and give one or two practical suggestions about how you could make to improve the intake of this nutrient. (5 marks)

Note: There are 5 marks allocated for referencing, writing, structure and layout of the assignment. You will not receive full marks for these criteria if you only include the table from Appendix 2 in answer to Part B of this assignment. In-text referencing and a bibliography/reference list in either Vancouver or APA style is required for the full marks.

24-hour food record for adult female 25 years old

Meal or snack Food

2 Weetbix + 1 teaspoon sugar

½ cup (125mls) whole milk
2 slices wholegrain bread toast with butter.
1 tablespoon jam


1 apple

Small individual packet crisps

2 white bread (4 slices) sandwiches with butter and salami (2 slices)

Can of coke (375mls)

100g tub vanilla yoghurt (full fat)

Evening meal

200g oven baked fish fillets

½ cup oven baked beer battered fries
1 cup frozen mixed vegetables
1 small apple pie
2 scoops ice cream
Evening and/ or bedtime
2 chocolate biscuits
1 cup whole milk + milo powder

Guide to Submission:
 The word limit for this assignment is 1000-1500 words total
 Please include a title page with your name and course and the word count for your assignment.
 References can be either in APA or Vancouver style, but should be correct for the chosen style (also not counted in word limit).
 In-text referencing and reference list required
 You must submit your assignment online and via Turnitin
 Failure to follow submission instructions will result in a penalty of up to 10% of marks.

APPENDIX 1: Tools for assessing nutritional literacy
Tool 1: Red flags of junk science

Tool 2 – website fitness check up

  1. Who are the contributors
  2. Does the website identify its publishers properly (including affiliations and institutions that the authors belong to)
  3. Information about registration is provided (ie regitration requirements, payments, privacy protection)
  4. Is there an editoral process, is informaiton up to date, is the site well managed – is the information well balanced
  5. Does the information contain traceable references to support he evidence
  6. Does the website report its source of revenu? Are they trying to sell you something
  7. What links to toher websites and databases are provided

Tool 3 – Evaluating nutrition experts

  1. What is their field of expertise
  2. Wht qualifications does the writer have
  3. Has the informaition been peer reviewed
  4. Is the expert a member of a credible body
  5. Does the expert have any vested interests in the topic
  6. What is the author’s frame of reference – ie are their biases presented due to personal circumstances

APPENDIX 2 – Suggested table for 24-hour recall assessment (fill this table in and include in an appendix.
Meal or snack Food Veg* Fruit* B&C* M&A* Dairy* D/C* Reasons: good source of Fat

2 Weetbix + 1 teaspoon sugar

½ cup (125mls) whole milk
2 wholegrain bread toast with butter.
1 tablespoon jam


1 apple

Small individual packet crisps

2 white bread (4 slices) sandwiches with butter and salami (2 slices)

Can of coke (375mls)

100g tub full fat vanilla yoghurt                           

Evening meal

200g oven baked fish fillets

½ cup oven baked beer battered fries
1 cup frozen mixed vegetables
1 small apple pie
2 scoops ice cream
Evening and/ or bedtime
2 chocolate biscuits
1 cup whole milk,
Milo Powder
• Where AGHE food groups are: Vegetables=Veg; Fruit=fruit; Breads and Cereals= B&C; Meat and meat alternatives= M&A; Dairy Foods= Dairy and Discretionary Choices= D/C

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