The role of the Ninth Amendment in Privacy

1.The Constitution protects a right to privacy. Explain the role of the Ninth Amendment in saidright. How does a right to privacy relate to abortion policy? Explain the Supreme Court’s rulingand reasoning in Planned Parenthood v. Casey as an example of a right to privacy case.2.Civil liberties are constitutionally protected in the United States. Define civil liberties. Discussthe language of the Second Amendment that leads to competing interpretations in the debateover gun control. How does the Supreme Court ruling in McDonald v. Chicago resolve thisdebate?3.The promise and hope of the Constitution is the foundation for civil rights struggles in theUnited States. Explain Thurgood Marshall’s position on the Constitution as it relates to thisstruggle. Summarize the fight to end Jim Crow in the 20th century as an example of thepromise and hope of the Constitution.4.The Supreme Court has developed constitutional tests that apply to discriminatory laws.Identify and define the three tests. Provide examples of cases to illustrate how the SupremeCourt has applied these tests.5.Affirmative action is a controversial policy in the United States. Define affirmative action.Explain one argument in favor of affirmative action and one argument against affirmativeaction. Summarize the Supreme Court’s position on affirmative action in Grutter v. Bollinger .

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