The Scottish Rite Cathedral

In your own words, supported by observed and/or documented research sources, describe the object for
approximately one page and its display setting/placement in another page. For the rest of the paper, surmise
why the founders or other benefactors might have chosen these ancient or medieval styles in the nineteenth or
twentieth centuries.( I did the first two pages) i just need you to do the sumrising
Questions to be answered in your text may include:
How do we apply the architectural terms learned in this class?
Do the sites, displays or contexts tell us anything about the aesthetic sensibilities, politics or prejudices of the
people who collected the objects or erected the buildings?
How did the object or building in question come to be a part of the ISU campus or city of Terre Haute? What
ideas are imparted through Greco-Roman or Medieval objects or architectural styles?
Why do we see these styles and far fewer other traditions such as Islamic or Chinese?
Are there buildings in your Janson textbook that relate to your subject?
Regarding ancient styles, do the notions of the “classic” speak to students past or present? Regarding
medieval styles, how might “spirituality” be connoted?
Did the builders or benefactors want to pay homage to their European or another heritage? How are notions of
“power” or “prestige” connoted in the works?
Do the ancient or medieval buildings or objects create any “moral” example for those in the spaces?
How might the eighteenth and nineteenth century notions of “enlightenment” or “romanticism” affect
interpretation of these places or works?
Do these buildings or objects serve Western hegemony, colonialism or imperialism? Do they still make sense
in an increasingly inclusive, global, multicultural community?

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