The staff in the European Parliament Secretariat and the MEP Parliamentary Assistants

Question 1: Consider both the staff in the European Parliament Secretariat and the MEP Parliamentary Assistants. Both as key players in the EU Parliament – how do they differ from each other and what are their roles and responsibilities? Using a concrete policy example, briefly explain why both are important for the operation of the European Parliament.

Question 2: Imagine you were just elected as President of the United States and could only make one long distance phone call to discuss US-EU relations. Please explain whom you’d call and why.

Question 3: Conduct an impact assessment for a policy issue of your choice. Specifically, please address the following issues in 1-2 paragraphs each:
• Is there any evidence to justify a policy intervention?
• Is there a need for EU action?
o If so, what would the action look like and how would it address the policy problem?
o What role do national institutions in the Member States play with respect to this issue?
• What are the main impacts?
o Economic
o Social
o Environmental

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