The success stories of Obama and Oprah

Do the success stories of Obama and Oprah show that racism is no longer an issue in the US? Yes or no?
Basic thesis : -In this paper, I will argue that racial discrimination is still alive, affects many people in American society day by day and solving the racism problem is more difficult than people believe. (not finish yet but its my opinion)

The topic and instructions are listed below:

1.Find at least two peer-reviewed academic journals relevant to your topic. Not sure what peer-reviewed means? Check out this helpful website – The sources must be peer-reviewed.

  1. Find at least two other references (book, report, etc.). Wikipedia and general internet sites (newspaper sites, blog entries, Instagram stories, etc…) do not count as relevant or adequate resources for this assignment. A book on the subject, for example, would be a good choice.
  2. What is An Argument –

How to Write a Good Introduction –

Essay Structure –

  1. This will require multiple supporting arguments and evidence. For example, if you are arguing that neighbourhood X is undergoing drastic change and that change is negatively impacting the community, develop one supporting argument, with proof, as to why and how this is happening.
  2. Ensure that you use your research and that the argument helps to prove your thesis. If those resources are not suitable, you will need to find new resources. Properly cite your resources.

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