The Sugar Industry


Research of the public relations tactics used by the sugar industry to manipulate research, legislation, and public opinion of their product. Examination of statement, reaction, and resolution attempts. Include the attempts to shift focus of health implications onto to saturated fat.

The sad fact is that many college students and even graduates cannot spell, use grammar correctly, and select proper words and structure sentences correctly. Despite years of experience, many individuals just aren’t careful about writing, and because of that, they don’t get the jobs they want. The expectation in this course is that you have written papers previously and know how to do this. It is not part of what I teach in the course. I give you guidelines and policies, but it is up to you to find outside help on this if you need it. CMU also has a writing center online. Please become familiar with all the helps CMU provides. If you are unsure, please contact your center administrator. Librarians are there to help. If I see a paper that has many errors, I may just highlight the area but will not repeatedly do the corrections.
All papers must be formatted in Times or Times New Roman font, 12 point type size, double-spaced, first sentence in each paragraph indented 0.5 (1/2 inch). Do not make the margins so wide that you think this will help make the paper look longer. Your margins should be 1 inch at the top and bottom and 0.75 (3/4 inch) at each side.
All papers must include your full name, the course name and section number and the date on a cover sheet.
List your sources/references on a separate page of the paper. DO NOT POST A URL AS A REFERENCE SOURCE. This will result in an automatic D for the assignment. All sources must include complete information. If you got the article from CMU’s library, do not list the URL you get from the library site – this is not correct. If you don’t know how to do this, contact the off campus librarian and ask him or her.
Journalists most commonly use the Associated Press style of writing – It is a clear and concise style of writing sentences without using jargon or flowery terms. The style is specifically geared to journalism-related activities. This is not always the “English” version of style. You can access an AP stylebook in most libraries or exercises can be found at, for examples of this.
However, For Sources And Citations, Follow APA Format. Other recommendations: DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA as a source. While Wikipedia is a good place to find links to other sources, it is not valid for academic papers. This is a college course and you are expected to use sources that fit an academic community. Wikipedia is user content that can be edited and changed by anyone. It will not be accepted as a reference or source for any of your papers or reports.
EVALUATE INTERNET SITES AS SOURCES. You may find information to use at an Internet site, but just listing the site is not correct and all sites are not acceptable. If you are looking for information about public relations, for example, and you find these possibilities, two are acceptable and two are not ( and are acceptable):
PLAGIARISM: You want to use some of the information you find so you read it, but you do not copy it verbatim and paste it into your paper because you know that is plagiarism. So, you give a summary of it and cite it.
Use citations in the body of your paper. Citations are in parentheses right after you have used ideas or information directly from a source. Use the last name of the source as posted on the reference page, the page numbers and the year of the source. For instance, our textbook would look like this: (Wilcox, p. 75, 2009.)
A journal article would be fully listed in the reference section, but in a citation in the body of the paper, it would be the last name of the author, year of publication, and page number. (Volmar, July 9. 2010, p. 3)

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