The two pillars of harm minimization



Case study
Leavers Week’ has become a traditional occasion to mark the end of students’ Senior High School years. Students congregate in several well-known locations and describe the experience as ‘winding down’ after the stressful experience of completing their schooling years.
However, Leavers Week has also become known as a time that many young people are exposed to and may partake in alcohol and other drug use. There are differing opinions about whether alcohol use at Leavers Week is okay or not okay, with some parents supplying young people with alcohol and some not. Concern has been expressed by many parties, including parents, school authorities, local authorities, local community members and students, about the alcohol and other drug taking behaviour at these events, including a range of ‘party’ drugs and prescription medications.
These same parties are concerned about how the consumption of alcohol and other drugs may be associated with behaviour such as unsafe sex, violence and traffic injuries.
The Shire of Busselton (in the South West of WA) is particularly concerned about the negative effects of this week on tourism in local towns such as Dunsborough, Yallingup and Margaret River.

supply reduction and harm reduction (the two pillars of harm minimisation Define each of the two approaches selected and provide two examples of specific strategies for each of the two pillars of harm minimisation selected when respond to the case study. Provide evidence from Australian and international literature to support the strategies selected. Use scholarly and peer reviewed literature throughout.


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