The U.S. Federal Goverment and Fiscal Policy

“Fiscal Policy” relates to the government’s spending, taxing and borrowing policies. It is one of the of the major tools that can be used to help promote the goals of full employment, price stability and growth. Objective: Give the critical nature of our country’s financial condition today with over $31 trillion of debt, the government’s fiscal policy/tools are under scrutiny by many. The purpose of this research paper is for you to evaluate the fiscal policies of the U.S. today. In order to do that, you must read and understand Chapter 17 of the online textbook to give you a good start and with additional research on the Internet.
I am not looking for a regurgitation of the textbook but well developed thoughts based upon sound research and critical thinking.
I want you view of the policies, major actions and activities of the past decade plus (2008 — present) including the current administration in the use of fiscal policy to achieve the economic ends and goals of full employment, price stability and growth. How is the U.S. doing? Do you agree with their approach and why? Do you see any unintended consequences in the future based on their current actions? Rate the success of their efforts on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest.
There is no specific right to wrong answer to this paper, but there are clear, concise and well thought out answers on either side of the issue.



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