The US drone strikes are or are not morally justifiable

Please make sure you add the page number when citing and also look for the reading online to reply to the question thank you. Please “Avoiding Plagiarism”

Each assignment should be spell-checked, well-written, and sources should be cited with page numbers included (no dictionaries, no encyclopedias, absolutely no Wikipedia).

Darryl J. Charles and Timothy Demy, War, Peace, and Christianity: Questions and Answers from a Just-War Perspective (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2010).
Augustine, Against Faustus excerpt from Book 22 (Blackboard).
Augustine, Letter 189 (Blackboard).
Eric Patterson, excerpt on holy war and pacifism from Just War Thinking: Morality and Pragmatism in the Struggle against Contemporary Threats (Lexington Books, 2009).

Article on Saint Basil (Eastern Orthodox Theologian) and his views of war and the Christian state, available in blackboard.

Recommended Reading:
Eric Patterson, Just War Thinking: Morality and Pragmatism in the Struggle against Contemporary Threats (Lexington Books, 2009).
Eric Patterson, Ending Wars Well: Order, Justice, and Conciliation in Contemporary Post-Conflict (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2012).

Assignment Two: Writing an Op-ed. Due September 24.
Respond to the following event:

question :

Your op-ed should argue either that US drone strikes are or are not morally justifiable. You will need to make reference to this week’s readings. You may also wish to reference America’s moral character or America’s identity as a Christian nation. Are these actions in keeping with that identity? Does America have a moral obligation to behave in a certain way and does the carrying out of these drone strikes support or contradict this obligation?

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