The use of multi-component fall prevention bundle programs

(I) to reduce the incidence of inpatient hospital unit falls (O) when compared to using the standard fall precaution interventions (C) in the adult and geriatric population (P).

Apply the following steps of the Stetler Model of Research Utilization for the paper

• Introduction (approximately 1 page)
o Discuss the significance of the problem
o Describe the purpose of the paper
o Identify the specific practice issue to be addressed, include setting & population (using PICO or PICOT)
• Validation Step of Stetler Model (Approximately 3-4 pages)
o Review the research-based literature concerning the selected topic
o Summarize the research findings from the literature review (attach the table after the references page)
o Critique the body of research on the topic as a whole (using the critiquing guidelines presented throughout the NSG 415 course)
o Describe the methodological strengths and limitations of the current research
• Comparative Evaluation Step of Stetler Model (Approximately 2-3 pages)
o Describe the similarity/differences of the characteristics of the sample to those of the population in the practice area for the proposed utilization project
o Describe the similarity/differences of the environment of the studies examined to the practice area for the proposed utilization of project
o Identify if there is a theoretical or scientific bases for the current practice in this area
o Detail what levels of the organization would need to be involved in this change of practice
o Explain the amount of resources that would be needed to implement such a change in practice.
• Decision Making Step of Stetler Model (Approximately 2-3 pages)
o Given the evaluation, describe what decision you would make about the utilization of the findings at this point; Include rationale for your decision

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