The Validity of Observational Research


The Validity of Observational Research is the topic. I would like you to answer these discussions questions and cite if needs it. It is a discussions comments.
1)When an observer is confronted with a complex situation, it can be impossible to observe many different individuals and record many different behaviors simultaneously. Give a detailed example (who, what and where) of a complex situation that would be of interest to you as a psychologist. What type of sampling observation (time, event, or individual) would you use to record your observations and why?

RE: The Validity of Observational Research
Hello Class,

When dealing with complex situations, observers may find it difficult to see things and many things may be ignored. To grasp this, for example, we may use a current complex circumstance to comprehend the impact of Coronavirus on migrants. So, in this scenario, a lot of things must be considered while observing, as COVID has a varied influence on each individual. It has an influence on people’s psychological as well as socioeconomic well-being. This is done in India, which has had the biggest migration crisis in history. Clustered random sampling can be used in this situation to choose a random sample from a separate cluster. This is due to the fact that random sampling provides each participant an equal chance. It also has a lower possibility of bias than other types of sampling, such as snowball or convenience sampling. I would want to document the individual experience through in-depth interviews since it offers us deeper and more comprehensive insights on the issue and the surroundings, as well as variety.


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