The various roles and purposes of transitions for children, families and educators within and from early childhood settings

Children are involved in numerous transitions as part of their everyday lives.
Kennedy (2013, p. 2), when drawing on the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), explains that “Transitions are times when children move between and adapt to different spaces or places and with different people, experiences, expectations and routines. The term encompasses regular transitions across a day and those that occur at significant times in children’s lives such as starting in an education and care service or starting full-time school”
discuss the various roles and purposes of transitions for children, families and educators within and from early childhood settings (see for example Harrison, 2016; Kennedy, 2013). Draw on the body of literature contained within this subject to support your discussion. Describe some examples and strategies that highlight the importance of relational pedagogy (Papatheodorou & Moyles, 2009) in supporting children’s transitions within and from early childhood settings. Reflect on your insights and suggest how they might inform your future practices involving transitions for children, families and educators.

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