-Ezra Pound
Read the entire poem first. Do not stop to check the notes. Get a sense of the sound of the language. Then read the Part you are attempting to analyze, slowly. Check the notes but do not labor over them. Then read that part aloud. Then work on the study guide. After you do the questions, read the Part aloud again. When you complete this process with all the Parts, read the poem through completely again.
The Title
According to the notes, what is the meaning of the allusion contained in the title of the poem (“The Waste Land”)? Mindful of the fact that the poem was written in the immediate Post-World War I era, what other associations arise in connection with the title. What is the translation of the epigraph immediately below the title? What does it suggest about the general purpose or theme of the poem? In what why is this similar to the work of Ezra Pound? What is suggested by the dedication to Ezra Pound? What is the meaning of the epithet used to describe Pound? What is the source of the epithet? What does this suggest about the nature of the poem, the subject of the poem, the purpose of the poem? (https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/47311/the-waste-land) the link