The world;ideas that matter’ 3rd edition By Michael Auston.

Please read: The .ok ” Reading the world;ideas that matter’ 3rd edition By Michael Auston. I do not have access to to this book. Please read the following stories Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail’ Aung San Suu Kyi’s “In Quest of Democracy.’ George Orwell’s “Pacifism and the War’. Margaret Mead’s “Warfare: An Invention…” Barak Obama’s “A More Perfect Union”
Question 1: How are King’s points in his letter relevant to our social circumstances in 2019? Explain with concrete examples not only from King’s letter, and also from the world of 2019. Cite examples from King’s letter with exact page numbers/locations in MIA format. If you don’t cite page or location numbers, you will lose points.
Question 2: How does Aung San Suu Kyi use the traditional Buddhist stories to show people that political power ultimately rests in the people’s hands? B) Why does .0 Kyi use these stories to educate people? Explain with concrete examples from the reading cited in MLA format. Make sure your answers are listed in A/B format in 2 different paragraphs. If A and are in one paragraph, you will lose points.
Question 3:Based on your understanding of Mead and Orwell, what is the relevance of their writings for our world culture in 2019? Give concrete examples from your own knowledge of current events and from their writings to support your answer. Cite page/location numbers from the readings in MLA format.
Question 4:A) What issues does Barak Obama feel can unite people of all races? B) Why doesh This time we want to talk about…” to introduce each of these issues? Label your answers clearly as A and B. Cite specific concrete examples from his speech in Reading the World in MLA format. Make sure your answers are listed in NB format in 2 different paragraphs. If A and 8 are in one paragraph, you will lose points.

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