


can choose! Please do not use the images or ideas that have already been done. For example, if you use Cinderella you may not choose images or ideas from Ever After or the Disney film)

Part 1- Please provide a detailed analysis of your story’s central conflict and theme. Additionally, discuss the reasons you chose this story and why you believe it is relevant for audiences today. Why this show; why now?
– 1.5 pages, double-spaced.

Part 2- Answer the following questions about your production.
– 3 Pages (not including pictures), double spaced (You may use bullet points)
1) Casting
Assuming you can have any actor of your choosing, who would you cast for 3 of your characters in the show? Write a sentence or two explaining each choice. (Consider how the actors have chemistry with each other.)
2) Costumes
Describe how you would design each of your 3 character’s costumes. Be sure to consider colors and textures. Please note, a good description comprises more than the phrase “Normal clothes.” Please use specifics in your response. Feel free to include pictures to compliment your descriptions.
3) Set Design
What would your stage look like? How many sets would you need to prepare? How would they come on and off stage? What elements would you add to your live show that would make it a different experience than watching the movie at home? You may wish to refer to the text for options and ideas. Feel free to include pictures to compliment your descriptions.
4) Lighting
In a few sentences, how would you use lighting to enhance the mood or a particular scene? Remember to take into account your costumes as you design the lights! Feel free to include pictures to compliment your descriptions.
5) Sound
Please describe some of the sound elements you would be using. What opportunities do you have to create interesting sound designs? Please find at least 3 places to incorporate sound design.


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