Thematic Content Analysis

conduct a Thematic Content Analysis.

So, when you get your transcript, first of all go through it and code. In qualitative research we distinguish between ‘a priori codes’ and ‘emerging codes’. A priori codes are ideas you have beforehand, for example from the literature. Of course we have these but it’s important we don’t only rely on ‘a priori codes’ but look for ideas that seem to come from the data.

Questions that you should ask yourself while you’re reading the transcripts are: What’s going on here, what are people describing, what’s going on, what are people saying, what assumptions are underlying actions or statements, does the context affect what is being said and done? Things you might code: Behaviors, feelings, events/context, words/phrases, metaphors/analogies. Missing information. Lay information/explanations. Early ideas for connection to literature and theory-gender ethnicity, class issues, lay understandings.

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