Themes and quantitative



• The findings of the empirical study (qualitative = themes and quantitative = results)
• Graphs, tables, analysis frameworks as relevant to the specific method of data collection
• The interpretation of the results
Section 5: Conclusions and recommendations (5 pages)
• Basic conclusions based on the results
• Recommendations based on the results and conclusions
• Summary
Bibliography / Reference List
Addendums /Appendices
• Support letter from the agency (if applicable)
• Data collection instruments and protocols
• Consent form
• Any other documents you think are relevant for the reader to know. This can include recruitment information, such as a flyer.
Minimum Requirements:
1. Your writing should reflect analytical thinking and scientific reasoning
2. The research report should be written in APA style
3. Font size: 12
4. Spacing: Double
5. The pages indicated are the maximum pages (not the minimum)
6. References: 25 journal articles and/or book chapters if your are collecting data from participants. If you are doing a meta-analysis, it needs to be a
minimum of 50 articles.
7. You will be asked to show your raw data to the instructor – keep in a binder/electronic folder.
Poster Presentation
100 points
After completion of your research study you will be required to make a recorded Zoom presentation and upload it to Drop Box. Your presentation should be in
a digital poster and recording format. It should provide evidence of the research methodology as well as the research results.
Minimum requirements:
1. The poster must include title, student name, course number, instructor’s name, IRB approval #, purpose and objectives of the research, research questions
and/or hypotheses, research methodology (design, sample, data collection and analysis), findings, conclusions and recommendations and a reference list.
2. Professional dress is required when presenting and recording the presentation.
3. Your poster should be a single sheet, professional prepared and digitally saved. Use Power Point or Prezi or any other poster format that you are familiar
with. No handmade posters will be accepted. Posters can be landscape or portrait format.



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