“There is a tall Hopi basket” Book Analysis

First Part

The followings are the plots that are required to read:
“There is a tall Hopi basket” (1); “This is the way Aunt Susie told the story” (7); “Storyteller” (17); “Indian Song: Survival” (34); “Aunt Alice told my sisters and me this story one time” (79); “Grandma A’mooh had a worn-out little book” (89); “How to Write a Poem about the Sky” (168); “But sometimes what we call ‘memory’” (220)

After reading these, answer, comment and elaborate on the following terms:

  1. How photographs in the book relate to the texts Keywords
  2. Puebloans
  3. Poetics (like post-structuralism)

Second Part (Has nothing related to first part, except for the same material, but now we’re focusing on the whole story)

Answer the following question, after reading the whole material:

Choose one of the main short stories from Storyteller (“Lullaby,” “Yellow Woman,” “Tony’s Story”). (Remember that the story “Storyteller” is set in the north among the Inuit tribes.) How does the story demonstrate, and perhaps comment on, the act of storytelling and the need to tell stories? In particular, what story is the short story trying to tell? How does this story relate to other materials (choose three things) one finds in Storyteller? Noting that the short story is set in a time of white colonization, how does the short story’s story relate to 1. spirituality, 2. men and women, 3. assimilation and resistance, and 4. environment? The best answer here will attempt to find unity among these three things rather than offering bullet points.

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