Time management

Time management is the process of formulating and controlling the amount of time to use or spend on specific tasks. With proper time management, an individual can complete much within a short time frame leading to successful careers and stress reduction.
Thesis Statement
There are varying methods for improving the academic performance of freshmen students. They include but are not limited to; Sticking to checklists, avoiding distractions, and a well set up sleeping schedule. That not-withstanding, one must try out various means to find the most suitable one.
The purpose of this study is to establish how time management helps improve freshman students’ academic performance.
1.With good time management, students can achieve more with less effort when coming up with the most suitable way to manage time leading to better academic performance.
For instance, time management skills to improve academic performance include preparation of term calendars. When the term begins, and before involvement in studies and other duties, a calendar covering the whole term should be prepared. That calendar should have assignments and dates of submission, all activities scheduled in school, tests and dates, and other co-curricular tasks. (Macan,1990).

2.Time management impacts positively on the mental health of students. Feelings of being overwhelmed and stressed up are reduced.
This can be achieved by giving priority on assignments. Complexity in topics of study increases with progress in education. The workload becomes more demanding, and materials challenge the more. Students handle complex subjects first, while still fresh and energetic makes the remaining studies easier. In this sense, stress and feeling of being overpowered are reduced. (Nasrullah,2015 and Alsalem,2017).
3.Time management helps to boost one’s confidence as well as the self-esteem of an individual.
This is simply because one is already aware of what he/she wants and what is expected of them at a particular moment. One should have a dedicated space of study and study time as well. This helps one focus on studies which boosts confidence in what one is doing, resulting in high self-esteem. (Khanam,2017).
We aim to establish whether time management can help improve freshman students’ academic performance. Methods ranging from stress avoidance, adherence to checklists, and setting up sleeping schedules helps improve academic performance. Equipped with term calendars, giving priority on assignments and having a study space and time aid a freshman student academically.

Annotated Bibliography.
Macan, T. H., Shahani, C., Dipboye, R. L., & Phillips, A. P. (1990). College students’ time management: Correlations with academic performance and stress. Journal of educational psychology, 82(4), 760.
As evident from the journal, Macan has highlighted the relations on time management and academic score. This journal is supporting the first paragraph. Students filled a questionnaire enquiring on time management and individual perception on academic achievement and grade point mean. Two significant findings are revealed. Time management scale comprised four independent factors. A most common one was on-time control. Students with a high perception of time reported better performance in academics.
Alsalem, W. S. Y., Alamodi, L. A., Hazazi, A. T. M., Shibah, A. M., Jabri, S. A., & Albosruor, Z. A. (2017). The Effect of Time Management on Academic Performance among Students of Jazan University. The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine, 69(8), 3042-3049.
Many students never managed their time effectively before becoming college students. This is because of the minimal challenges and difficulties in their high school life. However, everything changes after joining college. A college student has more responsibilities. Complexities in courses are real compared to high school curriculum. This research aimed at determining relationship between academic performance and time management. It also aimed at identifying any trends of time management on the university students. This is in addition to examining whether engagement in co-curricular activities and participation on social issues relates to the average performance. According to the findings, students who managed time well exhibited good academic results.
Nasrullah_PhD, S., & Khan_PhD, M. S. (2015). The impact of time management on the students’ academic achievements.
The study aimed at determining the relationship between the academic achievements of university students and how they managed their time. The findings were that there was a high relationship between the two. According to the study, the most successful students are always good managers of time. Meaningful relation on time management and grading of students was evident. As evident from the findings, students who scored poorly in school showed poor time management as well. An association on time management, stress countering, and academic performance was found. There is also a very close association on abilities to manage time well and educational reflection of results.
Khanam, N., Sahu, T., Rao, E. V., Kar, S. K., & Quazi, S. Z. (2017). A study on university student’s time management and academic achievement. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health, 4(12), 4761-4765.
This journal suggests that perhaps time management as a skill has impacts on academic performance of many students. The aimed at determining relations between time management and academic achievement. Medical college students were involved in the study. A questionnaire on time management drafted by Britton was the primary tool used to collect data. 51.90% of the students had an average score due to low levels of time management. Highly graded students confirmed that they managed time efficiently. Students require programs related to effective and proper management that enable students to know what is expected of them academically.

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