Top 10 Medicare Insurance Tips, hosted by Medicare Made Clear

WATCH the YouTube video, Top 10 Medicare Insurance Tips, hosted by Medicare Made Clear to gain a synopsis of how Medicare beneficiaries can use Medicare.( )

Next, perform an Internet search and use the information in your text(s) to discuss the following:

What are the guidelines for collecting the patient portion of a Medicare and Medicaid claim.?

What are the time limits for Medicare and describe how medical necessity affects the amount collected from the patient.

Question 2:

Review the information on EPSDT ( ) found on the website.

You have applied and been asked to interview for a position in a busy pediatrician’s practice in which 85% of its patients are covered by Medicaid. During the interview, you are asked to briefly describe the services available with EPSDT and what your role would be in its successful implementation within the clinic. After reading the information found in this link, how would you respond?

Question 3:
Watch the YouTube video What is Meaningful Use? ( ) Hosted by iNTERFACEWARE.

This video was created in 2010 when meaningful use was in its first stage. Comment on which costs were associated with transitioning from paper to electronic health records. Also, describe ways healthcare providers could demonstrate the implementation of EHR in their facility.

Now watch the YouTube video “Meaningful Use Stage 3”, hosted by Udacity

Summarize your understanding of how the objectives of Meaningful Use has progressed.

Question 4:

Complete a web search on the subject of the revenue cycle in healthcare. How has this course helped you to better understand your role in it? Be sure to cite your source using APA format.

Summarize, outline, or create a flowchart to describe how the patient’s encounter for care from check-in to final billing contributes to the revenue cycle. Be sure to include the individual activities taking place in each of the following areas of the medical office:
• Front Office (Check-In)
• Back Office (Clinical)
• Billing (Check-Out)

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