Tourism reduces poverty.

Write an argumentative essay about one of the fallowing topics:

-All literature, art, photography, film and music should be released under Creative Commons licenses.
-The private ownership of art deemed to be culturally or historically significant should be prohibited.
-Cultural treasures should be returned to their country of origin.
-The WTO should not allow nations to place export restrictions on food, rare-earth metals, and other non-oil commodities.
-Mass tourism is detrimental to the environment.
-Tourism is corrupting culture.
-Tourism reduces poverty.
-Governments should abolish the taxes on alcohol and cigarettes that go beyond normal sales taxes.
-Venture capital is worth the trouble for entrepreneurs.
-Microfinancing helps low-income entrepreneurs more than it hurts them.
-Social media sites should be blocked at work.
-There should be gender quotas for women on boards of directors.
-Young entrepreneurs should continue to run the startups they founded instead of handing the reins to more experienced executives.
-Companies should not look at prospective employees’ social media profiles.
-Open floor plans are better than cubicle farms.
-The state should ban all advertising of consumer goods and services.
-Word of mouth is the most effective means of advertising

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