Traditional Colonialism VS Settler Colonialism



1. Angelique Ramos
Traditional Colonialism VS Settler Colonialism

Traditional colonialism is when a foreign government takes control over another region through force. This use of force is characterized by war, violence, and genocide. In addition, the nation who assumes control often forces its own language and values upon its people.

Settler colonialism is when a foreign government takes control over another region through force and then takes on the identity of the original/indigenous group. Similar to traditional colonialism, settler colonialism uses force as well. This includes war, violence, genocide, and even rape. However, settler colonialism does not involve the controlling nation forcing its language and values on people. Settler colonialism functions through the replacement of indigenous populations with an invasive settler society. Settler colonialism “destroys to replace.” Some key characteristics of settler colonialism include interlocking forms of oppression, white supremacy, racism, and heteropatriarchy. Some examples of settler colonialism include Americans, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, and Israelis.

2. The difference between traditional and settler colonialism is, “settler colonialism is much more insidious than typical colonialism- the colonized land becomes a metropole” (*as outlined in the PP). This means that traditional colonialism is when people from from government take over another region while, settler colonialism is when people from the government take over other land.

Some characteristic of settler colonialism include: white supremacy and racism. As outlined in the PP, some current examples are: Americans, Canadians, Australians, etc. Former examples are: Zuzu Nation and Afrikaners.

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