Training analysis

1. Explain what a needs training analysis (TNA) is intended to do and why it is important to do one in every organization.
2. Identify the organization for which you are doing this needs analysis. This must be an organization you are familiar with already or willing to do research on. Provide a summary of the organization (business or service).
3. PERFORMACE PROBLEMS: Identify and explain one “can’t do” performance problems found in the organization that can be corrected by providing training and development.
4. OBSERVATION: Identify at least one action observed from employees when working or found through looking at reports or reeiving feedback that shows more training is needed.
5. LEGALLY REQUIRED TRAINING: What are some of the legally required training courses for that organization that are mandated by Federal. State or Local laws and ordinaces? Identify at least two laws and the trainng that is required. What are the consequences of non compliance?
6. FUTURE STRATEGIES: What are some future strategies for the organization that will require employee training. Identify at least two future training needs based on expected changes in the organization, new or changes to processes or procedures, new products or services and to meet the challenges for a competitive business.
7. TRAINING TRIAD: Identify training for each of the catetories in the training triad —
8. TRAINING PLAN DEVELOPMENT: Based on this analysis above what tranng should be included on the yearly training plan for this organization? List at least 5 different specific courses that will be included in the yearly training plan.
9. Any other relevant information?

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