Tri-State Petroleum v. Saber Energy



1. Review the Critical Legal Thinking Case Tri-State Petroleum v. Saber Energy, Inc. Tri-State admitted its breach but claimed that lost profits are an inappropriate measure of damages. Using IRAC, who wins?

2. Review the Critical Legal Thinking Case on Liquidated Damages. The case is entitled Uzan v. 845 UN Limited Partnership. You do not need to write in IRAC for these questions. How do liquidated damages differ from actual damages? Do liquidated damages serve an important business purpose?
3. Review the Ethics Case Executive Financial Services, Inc. v. Pagel. Which party or parties should win this case. Please write in IRAC form.

4. Review the Critical Legal Thinking Cases Karns v. Emerson Electric Co. Using IRAC, which party or parties should prevail and why?


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