Turn It Around case study

Case Study 2: Turn it Around!

Dr. P.De. Gogy was extremely excited to have been selected for the Superintendent’s position in the Rocky
Road School District. Dr. Gogy felt that this would be a great way to give back to her community. The
headlines of the local newspaper read, “Local leader comes home to help.” She initially was extremely
flattered that they had written the story about her. What she didn’t know was that the word “help” was an
understatement. Rocky Road was in the throes of several lawsuits from former staff members who claimed
discrimination and from angry parents who were suing because of alleged mishandling of their children’s
Special Education IEPs (Individualized Education Plans). The job upon which she was about to embark would
be a tough one.

When Dr. Gogy graduated high school, she was awarded a full scholarship to the State University. She then
earned her master’s and doctorate from a top tier university. During this time, she taught, became a principal
and wrote several books on school reform issues in America. She visited several other countries and was a
guest lecturer at many conferences and universities both in the US and abroad. Her father is a farmer and
her mother works in the chicken factory.

The Rocky Road School District is located in rural Virginia and has a student population of 2.800. There is
one high school, one middle school. and two elementary schools. The average family income in the district is
$28,500. Fifty five percent of the population is Caucasian, 22% is African American, ‘IS% is Latino. 7% is Asian
and ‘I% identifies as “other”. Farming is the major industry in this area; however, a number of residents work
for a major chicken factory. The district has an annual operating budget of approximately $100,000.000.
During the first three months of Dr. Gogy’s tenure, she is already facing teaching contract negotiations;
however. the most pressing issue is that student test scores for the past three years have been sliding. The
district itself did not meet AYP and is in Corrective Action. If Dr. Gogy and the Board don’t turn this ship
around, the State has threatened take over the troubled Rocky Road School District.

Although the teachers’ contract negotiations are looking promising. several parents have pulled their
children out and enrolled them in charter schools. Many of the parents who pulled their children out of the
district indicated that the class sizes were too large. the school buildings were dilapidated, the teachers did
not seem to care, and the principals never made time to meet with them. Dr. Gogy signed a 5 year contract;
however. turning around this district will be tough. Dr. Gogy has to present a comprehensive 3 year strategic
plan to the Board of Education in three months.

Write a three to five (3-5) page proposal report in which you:

Determine the main challenges that the Rocky Road School District is currently facing. Develop a three (3)
year plan to address these challenges. Examine the actions you will take to address each of these challenges.
Identify the main resources that you will need in each of the following areas in order to implement the plan
economic. social / community. political, and staffing.

Take a position on whether or not it is feasible for you to turn this school district around within the length of
your five (5) year contract. Provide support and a rationale for your position.

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