U.S drug policy Powerpoint

Evaluating Public Nuisance as a Legal Cause of Action to Hold Oil Companies Responsible for the Public Costs of Climate Change “In recent years, local government entities have filed lawsuits against oil companies to hold them responsible for the public costs of climate change under the theory of public nuisance.    As you will see in the video below, Marin and San Mateo Counties brought a case in 2017.  These cases are still pending in the courts today. 
 What is your opinion regarding using the courts and the legal claim of public nuisance to hold oil companies responsible for public costs of climate change?  Please watch the video and post your response 

Armed or not (Parole and Probation “What is the main reason community supervision agency are unwilling to arm their officers? Do you agree?
Complete your answers in a one page paper and submit.”
Unit 3 Discussion – Sexual Harassment “This assessment addresses the following course objective(s):

Describe the application of labor laws due to court decisions.
Describe the impact of diversity on the workplace.
Describe negotiating techniques and how to overcome an impasse.

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