Umbrella companies

Based on article in FT Assessment brief
Umbrella companies
“Freelancers face a looming tax nightmare”
Agyemang,; London (Jun 7, 2019).

  1. Introduction and Background –The introduction should include a background to umbrella companies, explain the problems and what to expect in the rest of the essay. 200 words max
  2. Discuss the main features of umbrella companies. Using the article above discuss why HMRC is cracking down on such practices. You must consider umbrella companies in terms of taxation: tax avoidance and tax evasion. You are required to give short and concise answers, your word count is limited: 700 words
  3. Discuss the difference between employed and self-employed, using current case laws and journal. Do Not copy Melville’s Taxation: Finance Act 2019 Book by Alan Melville. As references, Use just UK Newspapers.
  4. In regard to the article above, discuss how Peter can improve his position in future. 600 words
  5. Conclusion and Recommendations. 200 words

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