UN Representative

The date is July 1990. You are a member of the United Nations Secretary General’s Good Offices and you have been tasked with the duty to mediate an escalating situation between Iraq and Kuwait. You are to establish contact with the relevant parties, conduct mediation between the parties and create a report for UN Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar, part of which he may present to the UN Security Council. This report should contain the following, among other items:

1. A description of the parties and what each party desires
2. A description of your mediation process
3. A draft UN Security Council Resolution with a resolution to the crisis

Structure and Substances:

Page 1
Topic: Mandate Parties Meeting Date/s and Locations.

– Explain your mandate
– List the parties / their representatives
– Give the dates and location of the initial separate meeting with each party and the date and location of your first mediated meeting. Explain why you chose that location for your mediated session.

Page 2
Topic: Demands of each Party.

– For each party, list and cite (newspapers, etc) each demand. Each party should have at least 4 demands.

Page 3 and 4
Topic: Mediation Process

Describe your mediation process:
– Which approach / theory did you use? (At least 1 must be named). Why?
– What concepts did you think was important to integrate into the mediation process? (At least 3 concepts should be used). Why?

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Topic: Draft UN Security Council Resolution

Your draft resolution must be creative and new, addressing both sides in an equitable manner that will ensure stability in the region. You will most likely need to look research within un.org to view previous resolutions, the Charter, and standard format.

The draft UNSC resolution should be in standard UNSC resolution format and should contain:
– Heading: Name of UN organ, Sponsor / Signatories, Topic
– Pre-ambulatory clauses (at least 5): In these clauses, you must reference the UN Charter at least once and reference 3 different previous relevant UNSC resolutions. Cite these documents in alignment with standard UN documentation format.
– Operative clauses (at least 5): Proposed resolutions to the crisis / to the issues / demands raised in you mediated meeting.

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