Unconsolidated soil samples


You are given two unconsolidated soil samples- Sample # 1 and Sample # 2. Some of the properties of these samples are shown in the table below. Using these data and the relationships that are given in the questions, please answer the following questions. Please show your work.




Property Sample # 1 Sample # 2
Bulk volume (volume of solid + volume of void) V1 = 125 cm3 V2 = 180 cm3
Weight of solid 250 grams 300 grams
Specific gravity 2.65 2.75

1. We already learned about the specific gravity of materials (minerals) in our first lab. Specific gravity of solid can be written as:


Using the above relationship, please find the density of solid in Sample # 1 and Sample #2 (5 points).

2. Using the information you have collected and using the following relationship, please find the volumes of solid in the Sample # 1 and Sample #2 (5 points).





3. Using the bulk volumes that are given in the table, please calculate the volumes of voids in the Sample # 1 and Sample #2 (5 points).




4. Now, using all the information you have collected and the relationship shown below, please find the porosity of the Sample # 1 and Sample #2 (10 points).




5. Please describe the similarities and the differences between these four types of mass movements (10 points)

Type of Materials Type of Motion Rate of movement
Debris flow

6. The soil texture triangle gives names associated with various combinations of percentages of sand, silt and clay.
Table below shows the percent sand and silt contents of 5 soil samples. Please find the % clay content and the classifying name of each sample (15 points).

Sample % Sand % Silt % Clay Classifying name
1 30 20
2 65 30
3 10 10
4 45 40
5 80 20



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