Under Armour Digital Marketing Channels Analysis for america market

What is the company you would like to discuss in the report?
Overview of its business, e.g. the industry it operates in, mission, primary objectives,
business model, revenue model, current performance
The main purpose of the report
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o Company Analysis and Marketing Objectives (~ 500 words)
Analyze the company’s market offerings and its primary market target, e.g. products,
services, customer segmentation
In the chosen country, what are the company business objectives, and the
corresponding marketing objectives?
o Marketing Channels Analysis (~ 700 words)
Describe the company’s current offline communication/ traditional marketing tools,
e.g. advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, PR, sponsorship, etc.
Identify all digital marketing channels (or digital communication channels) the
company uses to communicate with the primary market target
Discuss the techniques that are implemented and the corresponding metrics for
measuring the effectiveness
Assess how the channel selection aligns to the identified marketing objectives
Based on above assessment, add more channels (if needed) and prioritize all
channels to achieve the marketing objectives

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