Understanding and Explaining the 7 Contemporary Theories of Psychological Science

In this assignment you will be asked to consider a topic that is relevant to everyday life for some people. When considering this topic, you will be thinking like a psychologist. This means that you will attempt to explain the behavior you choose using the 7 contemporary theories. For example, let’s say you choose “addiction” as your interesting human behavior. You must first ask yourself, “Why do people become addicted to substances, activities, or even things like video games?” Once we ask this question, the next step is to use available psychological science to offer an explanation. In this assignment you will pretend that you are a psychologist and explain “addiction” (or whichever behavior you choose) from ALL SEVEN contemporary theories.

STEP 1: Choose one behavior from the list I provided below (or choose your own).

Here is the list:

-Addiction (Alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, caffeine, etc.)



-Altruism (doing something good for someone with no recognizable reward)

-Your choice

STEP 2: Explain the behavior you chose from ALL seven contemporary theories of human behavior:

The Psychodynamic Approach

The Cognitive Approach

The Biological Approach

The Humanistic Approach

The Sociocultural Approach

The Evolutionary Approach

The Behavioral Approach

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