Understanding Consent: Legal Role of Consent

I. Understanding Consent: Legal Role of Consent (This link will take you to the page in the RAINN website that you will use to complete Ia.).
a. The 3 main ways that states analyze consent are 1) affirmative consent, 2) Freely given consent, and 3) capacity to consent.
Briefly provide a single scenario for each (affirmative consent, freely given consent, and capacity to consent in which consent is or is not given. This is a fictional scenario that you make up. The objective is to demonstrate that you understand the 3 aspects of consent. Use the definitions stated in the link to create the scenario. The following is an example of a scenario or description I made up. Note: you should provide a scenario of each way that states analyze consent. For each scenario, state the form of consent as in the example below.
Affirmative consent: A person (of legal age and mental capacity) is about to engage in sexual intercourse and continuously signals partner with smiles and statements like “Yes”, “I am okay”, and “keep going” throughout the encounter.

b. List and describe 3 factors that would affect a person’s Capacity to consent (This link will take you to the page of the website that lists the factors to help you complete your response to Ib).

c. Choose 3 states (INCLUDING CA) to compare consent laws using State Law Report Generator. For the comparison, choose and discuss at least 2 questions to focus the comparison.

II. Types of Sexual Violence (this link will take you to a page that defines the types of sexual violence).
a. Of the 6 types of sexual violence that are shown, select 2 to focus on.
b. Define and summarize the 2 selected.

III. Extra Credit: provide a short summary on your experience completing this assignment. Tell me if there is anything new you learned, something surprising to

you, or maybe now you have a clearer understanding of or anything else you would like to share. (4 points extra credit)

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