Understanding humanities through the arts, beliefs, customs


Understanding humanities through the arts, beliefs, customs, practices, values, and behaviors has been an essential part of this course. For the Term Writing Project, you will write a four-page paper that illustrates your understanding of diverse cultural perspectives. By experiencing and researching cultural events, you will be able to examine the diverse offerings of cultural expression found in various parts of the world. Experiencing cultural events outside of the classroom will broaden your horizons and allow you to gain a broader global perspective of our world’s diverse cultures. Before you begin, be sure to review the following resources:

What is the overview of this project?
After selecting and experiencing a cultural event, you will write a four-page paper that illustrates your understanding of diverse cultural perspectives. You are strongly encouraged to attend a cultural event in person, but if you are unable to do so, you may experience an event through available forms of media, such as a learning-based television program or Internet video. (It is required that you see and hear the event, so do not simply read an article about it!)

What is the definition of a cultural event?
Cultural events include traditions or celebrations. We find these in forms of festivals (culturally-specific games, dance, music, food), performance, religious ceremonies, or rites of passage – all rooted in cultural history. Therefore, the primary cultural event you choose must revolve around a cultural tradition or celebration that is currently practiced AND encompasses historical significance for that culture in the country of origin.

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